Some people believe that beauty is only skin deep; what's on the "inside" is what matters. While our internal organs are essential, our skin is our first line of defense against the outside world. Skin is one of the most significant parts of the human body. It also provides crucial information about our general health.
The skin is our body's window that displays our life's stories. The skin is mirrored both in our age and health -- from acne breakouts throughout your teenage years to beautiful pregnancy and sunspots of aging.
External influences, including unprotected exposure to the sun and washing too often or with hot water, can potentially harm the skin. An unhealthy diet, stress, a lack of sleep, insufficient exercise, dehydration, smoking, and some medicines can also influence the skin's capacity to function as an efficient protective barrier.
So here are some skin health suggestions that may help you take care of your skin naturally!
Choosing Healthier Food Options
What you consume may be just as essential as the things you use on your skin. Your food has the potential to enhance your skin's health from the inside out. Therefore, eating a healthy diet is the first step toward having a clean complexion.
Food with lycopene such as tomatoes are said to be known for their skin-enhancing benefits. One primary reason why tomatoes may be beneficial is the presence of its lycopene, the all-powerful antioxidant that supports health in numerous ways. Moreover, Tomato paste may help protect against sunburn, according to research. People who ingested 40 grams of tomato paste per day had 40% less sunburn after ten weeks than the control group. There are multiple varieties - the most popular are plum tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, and tomberries.
Other food sources of lycopene are Guavas, Grapefruit, Papaya, Red bell peppers, and Mangoes.
Stay Active
We often emphasize the cardiovascular advantages of physical activity. Yet, maintaining a regular workout program might also help contribute towards the overall appearance of your skin. Having our body move may increase the heart rate and improve blood circulation. It also aids in providing oxygen for the skin, which supports and encourages new skin cell formulation to keep the skin looking radiant.
Manage the Things that make you Stressed
Have you ever observed small bumps or pimples arise on your face immediately before an important event? Scientists have discovered some correlations between stress and skin issues. In a study of college students, individuals with high-stress levels were more likely to have skin problems such as:
- Itchy skin
- Excessive hair fall
- Dry, Flaky, or oily scalp
- Extreme sweating
- Appearance of rashes
- Acne breakout
The researchers believe that stress may reinforce the increased amount of sebum, an oily material that clogs pores. As a result, the severity of acne worsens. Managing stress may result in better skin conditions. You may consider stress-reduction activities such as tai chi, yoga, or meditation to help you go through stressful times.
Get Enough and Quality Sleep
People who sleep seven to nine hours a night have skin that is more moisturized and could protect and mend itself better after being exposed to ultraviolet light, according to a study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. In a self-evaluation, the well-rested participants also regarded themselves as “more beautiful”. As suggested by the National Sleep Foundation, adults should take at least seven (7) to nine (9) hours a day to sleep. This is the time when your body enters repair mode during deep sleep, regenerating skin, muscles, blood cells. Your body cannot manufacture collagen efficiently if you don't get enough sleep, as collagen keeps your skin firm and protects it from drooping.
Lack of suggested time of sleep may reflect in the condition of your skin. Aside from these, it also shows that sleep quality may affect skin function and aging. Poor sleepers exhibited more symptoms of early skin aging.
So to look your best, always get enough and quality sleep!
Keep the Moisture: Inside and Out!
Staying hydrated can help maintain your skin’s healthy, and radiant look. That's why drinking plenty of water is critical for good skin health. Not to mention all of the other many advantages of drinking plenty of water being eight (8-ounce) glasses of water per day as the general recommendation. However, water consumption isn't one-size-fits-all, so pay attention to what your body requires.
On the other hand, giving enough attention to the skin may also be beneficial, such as cleansing, moisturizing, and protection.
The American Academy of Dermatology Association also recommends taking one 5- to 10-minute shower or bath per day with gentle soap and avoiding abrasive scrub brushes or sponges. Afterwards, give moisture to the skin using creams or ointments to lock in the skin's needed moisture. Natural oils such as Jojoba oil and Mineral oil have been popularly noted! And let's not forget, to protect it by applying the right amount of sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 and reapplying every two hours. More sunscreen must be applied frequently as well if you're going out, swimming, or doing activities that require excessive sweating.
Look after your Gut
According to research, there are underlying gut health concerns present on the skin. The relationship is so well-known that it has its name: the ‘gut-skin axis’.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics may all assist in supporting the microbiome of your skin. Some studies show that taking probiotics or applying them topically may help with skin problems such as eczema, acne, dry skin, and UV-induced skin damage.
Consider how hormones out of balance can have a negative impact on your appearance as well as your health and well-being. Our skin will not obtain the nutrition required if we aren't getting enough nutrients or digesting our food effectively due to poor gut health. This can impact skin elasticity and collagen formation, resulting in dull, lackluster skin with uneven tone. Similarly, if we are not detoxing correctly, the skin will suffer as the body's largest elimination organ. To achieve a healthy gut, we need to support good bacteria in our digestive system.
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So why not try some of these easy techniques we’ve listed and see if they’re just what you’re looking for when it comes to skin health!
Cooperstone, J. L. (n.d.).Tomatoes protect against development of UV-induced keratinocyte carcinoma via metabolomic alterations. Scientific Reports
American Society of Nutrition. (n.d.).Dietary Tomato Paste Protects against Ultraviolet Light–Induced Erythema in Humans. Oxford Academic.
Psychological Stress and Skin Symptoms in College Students: Results of a Cross-sectional Web-based Questionnaire Study. (n.d.). Acta Dermato-Venereologica. from
Dermatologists’ top tips for relieving dry skin. (n.d.). American Academy of Dermatology, from
Health effects of probiotics on the skin. (n.d.). PubMed., from
“18 Amazing Benefits of Tomatoes for Skin, Hair, and Health.”STYLECRAZE, 16 May 2013, Accessed 13 July 2021.
“Carla’s Guide to Gut Health, Radiant Skin and Wellbeing.” The Beauty Chef, 2021, Accessed 13 July 2021.
Samaritan Health Services. “Is Getting Your ‘Beauty Sleep’ a Fairy Tale?”,Samaritan Health Services, 29 May 2019, Accessed 13 July 2021.
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