We all like to go all-out during the holidays, eating Christmas cookies, cheese, casseroles - you name it! Our bodies are flooded with sugar and fat during the celebration of New Year. Overindulging can make us feel good – even if it’s not healthy for us!
A few weeks after starting the new year, chances are your body is feeling less-than-stellar. Well, it’s safe to say that you may be feeling the need for a reset. The good news is that to get back on the right track, you don't have to succumb to a crash diet or hours upon hours of exercise.
Here are some easy ways to help detox it along the way.
1. Keep up with Oatmeal
Although cleansing juice can sound like a perfect way to detox, many people have difficulty feeling full and end up eating even more due to hunger. Try making a batch of oatmeal instead of liquefying all your fresh fruits. You may also want to top it off with some banana slices to remain full until lunch. You’ll most likely feel full during the day, reducing your consumption thus, making way for better detoxification because of fiber in oatmeals.
2. Drink Warm Water with Lemon and Cucumber or Tea
Start your day with warm lemon water and drink periodically throughout the day. Lemons and cucumbers have a range of health benefits that can encourage hydration and stimulate digestion during the day when combined with warm water. It is essential to drink enough water to help your liver and kidneys flush out toxins.
To help keep your metabolism and digestive function healthily, try sipping warm green tea before and after meals. Doing so may help relieve digestive issues caused by bloating, flatulence, indigestion, constipation, heartburn and even intestinal gas.
Fennel tea is also a great option. This lovely herb may stimulate digestion and has carminative effects that soothe the digestive tract and stop gas from developing.
3. Veggies...Fruits...Proteins…
After overloading with foods during the holidays, you can be tempted to eat very little. This may be a common instinct. However, it's not always as effective as your body needs gradual adjustments. So what can you do? You may continue eating the normal portion of your meal but think of fruits and veggies.
Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and antioxidants which can assist your body’s natural ability to cleanse and detoxify itself. Not only can these foods help your body remove toxins, but they also provide nutrients useful to your body in the long run.
4. Take a Bath with Epsom Salt
Well, we're pretty sure that you don't have to twist your arm on this one, but there isn't any downside to having an Epsom Salts-filled long bath.
An Epsom Salt bath has been said by many to help draw out toxins. Additional benefits have been said to include calming irritated skin, muscle pain relief, and it can also help stimulate the development of melatonin by your body, helping you sleep better. If you're looking for 360-degree natural detoxification, Epsom salts may be something to look into.
5. Have a Break from Caffeine and Alcohol
Celebrating the holidays may include drinking a little too much coffee in the morning and getting one too many drinks at night. Why not try doing a mini alcohol and coffee detox?
Apart from the long-term risks associated with overindulging in caffeine or alcohol, many studies have shown that short term over-indulgence in both substances may give you heartburn, higher blood pressure, interrupted sleep, and frequent dehydration. Although enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning or a glass of wine at night may not be a mistake, try abstaining yourself for a week or two. Then, keep a journal of how you feel along the way.
6. The Power of Yoga
The holidays may have brought you imbalance with mindfulness, peace of mind, and physical attributes of the body. Yoga is the fastest way to get back into alignment with your own body and it may help improve your mood. Try the following poses to start:
- Downward Facing Dog - This is an example of an inversion. Inversions allow blood to circulate and rinse out lymph nodes in a particular direction.
- Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog- This yoga pose encourages relief of tension.
- Eagle Pose- This posture supports circulation. In this pose, the foot, elbow, knee, and hip joints are all extended.
- Seated Twist - Equating twisting postures is a popular method. In our digestive system, some form of compression and gentle movement in the torso certainly helps to get things going. The more our digestive system helps transfer waste into the intestines, the healthier our detoxification will be.
- Wide Leg Forward Fold- The wide-legged forward bend helps to boost circulation since it positions the head below the heart. The pose is commonly said to be used to help facilitate digestion.
- Boat Pose- The boat pose strengthens and tones your abdomen, hip flexors, and spine. It may also help stimulate the kidneys and intestines, to support digestion.
- Resolved Triangle Position- With this pose, one may increase their lung capacity as the chest, lungs, shoulders, and spine are extended and opened. The triangle's determined location activates the abdominal organs, helping the body with digestion and circulation, tension and stress relief.
7. Shoot for 8 Cups of Water Everyday
Consistently drinking eight cups of water might seem tedious at first, but after a week or so, it's going to start to seem like second nature. Helping to realize that the body is dehydrated will allow us to equate the sense of dehydration with the need for water instead of food. Hold a water bottle and continuously drink from it. Any time you see a water fountain, refill it even if it's not empty.
8. Supplementation
Nature's Branch has a wide range of supplements you can try to help support detoxification of the body. Our objective is to help you kickstart your year by living a healthier lifestyle and making the most out of 2021!
Ultra Pure Forskolin
Nature's Branch Ultra Pure Forskolin capsules contain 300mg of Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract. They also have 2X higher standardized ingredients than many other leading brands for a more robust potency*. Our Ultra Pure Forskolin supports natural detoxification and promotes weight loss while aiding in reducing hunger cravings. This supplement may also increase serotonin levels and boost metabolism and energy.
60 Billion Probiotic

Nature's Branch Probiotics contain a maximum strength of 50 billion CFU's (colony-forming units) live cultures in each easy to swallow capsule for everyday usage. Our 50 Billion Probiotic is expertly formulated for men and women and is designed to help support digestion and hence, detoxification. It also comes with an essential prebiotic fiber and 15 carefully researched strains to help maximize absorption in the stomach. Each of our probiotic capsules is designed to help promote healthy bacteria growth in your colon, support gut balance, and boost metabolism.
The holiday weeks have been a time for indulging, spending time with loved ones, and most importantly, consuming foods and drinks at its best!However, why not remember these useful tips to help with your detoxification in 2021 and start feeling refreshed, strong, and vibrant!
We wish you a happy and healthy New Year!
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